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Reach Stackers: Versatile Heavyweights in Logistics

Reach Stacker

Innovation from Italy: The History of Reach Stackers

Invented decades ago in Italy by the company Belotti, reach stackers are now used worldwide in small and large businesses, factories, terminals, ports, and even in the military. Since their invention, the basic design of reach stackers has hardly changed. Manufacturers, whether in Europe or Asia, essentially produce the same machines. Their unbeatable mobility and maneuverability enable reach stackers to be used almost anywhere.

Flexibility Through Standardization

The standardization of the picking device, the spreader, allows for the rapid exchange of various attachments, with the hydraulic system of the reach stacker providing the necessary drive. If needed, the spreader can even be omitted, allowing virtually all types of goods, even bulk goods, to be handled. If the lifting capacity is insufficient, reach stackers can also operate in tandem.

Two Types of Reach Stackers

There are fundamentally two types of reach stackers: for empty and for laden containers. These differ in lifting capacity, dimensions, and weight. Where high lifting capacity is not required, reach stackers for empty containers are used, although their use is not limited to containers and they can also handle other, lighter goods.

Professional Support for Your Logistics

As professionals, we are capable of handling your logistical challenges with reach stackers. Whether it’s planning a terminal or solving seemingly unsolvable problems, we are happy to assist. Rely on our expertise and experience to make your logistics processes efficient and secure.

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