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Privacy policy

1. Introduction

Welcome to Steinberg GmbH, your reliable partner for material handling equipment, services, and spare parts deliveries. We place a high value on protecting your privacy and your right to control your personal data.

This Privacy Policy explains how we use your personal data that we collect when you use our services, contact us (by phone, email, or online form), or subscribe to our newsletter. We strive to protect the privacy of all individuals whose personal data we process. Therefore, we will process your personal data in accordance with applicable privacy laws, including the regularly updated General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This Privacy Policy is in conjunction with our Cookie Policy, available on our website via the link https://steinberg.gmbh/en/cookies-policy/.

Should you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or wish to exercise your rights, do not hesitate to contact us at daten@steinberg.gmbh. We are here to assist you and protect your data.

2. Our Commitment to Your Privacy

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other local privacy laws, we treat your data with the utmost care and respect. We collect and process personal data only when we have a clear legal basis to do so, for example:

– Your explicit consent (e.g., when signing up for our newsletter);
– The necessity to fulfill a contract with you (e.g., for an order, inquiry, or quote);
– Our legitimate business interests that do not override your rights, and – Compliance with our legal obligations.

3. Responsible for Your Data and Contact Details

Steinberg GmbH is a company based in Germany, specializing in the delivery of material handling equipment, service, and spare parts and attachments. The entities responsible for processing your personal data (hereinafter referred to as “we” and/or “us”) are:

Steinberg GmbH Address: Alexander-Scharff-Str.58, 41169 Mönchengladbach, Germany
Warehouse Address: Alexander-Scharff-Str.58, 41169 Mönchengladbach, Germany
General Email: info@steinberg.gmbh
Email for Privacy Inquiries: daten@steinberg.gmbh

4. What Information We Collect

The information we collect when you use our online services, contact us, place an order, make inquiries, or subscribe to our newsletter may include:

– Domain name, IP address, and/or your anonymous user ID;
– The internet browser you use;
– The device and/or the environment you use;
– The source of your visit to our website (e.g., through a Google search results page, our Facebook page, etc.);
– Your activities on our website (e.g., what you view on the website, what you click on, how much time you spend on the website, etc.);
– Your interaction with our online advertising;
– Your user experience with our online services;
– Your full name;
– Your address;
– Your email address;
– Your company;
– Your phone number;
– Your participation in the newsletter (e.g., the number of openings, clicks on links to the website);
– Your inquiries;
– Your entries in text fields;
– Any additional information you provide to us directly or indirectly through your activities on the website (e.g., emails, phone calls, letters, personal information, etc.).

5. Age of Consent

We intend to provide information and collect information from individuals over 18 years of age. Individuals under 18 are not permitted to submit information via our online services. If we discover that we have collected or received personal data from a child under 18 without verified parental consent, we will delete that information immediately. We do not knowingly collect personal data from children under 18 or market our products or services to them. In processing data, we pay attention to possible indications of the minor status of individuals, leading to the immediate cessation of business dealings and data deletion for such individuals.

6. How We Collect Personal Data

The way we collect your personal data depends on how you use our services, contact us, or subscribe to our newsletter. Some data is automatically collected when you interact with our website, while other data is directly collected from you (e.g., information you provide for inquiries, etc.) or with your consent. Where legally required, we will obtain your consent to collect and process your information (e.g., for direct marketing purposes).

We provide a brief description of all the ways we can collect your information:
– When you visit our website and accept cookies;
– When you create an account with us (e.g., to use online tools, etc.);
– When you subscribe to our newsletter;
– When you contact us (e.g., by phone, contact form, email, post, etc.);
– When you enter your data or information into a form.

7. Why We Collect Data

Collecting certain data is necessary to offer you various services and products. We cannot contact you without knowing your name, email address, or phone number. Additionally, we may collect data for marketing purposes, such as your email address when you subscribe to our newsletter.

Here are some reasons why we might collect your information:
– To fulfill your inquiries regarding products and services (e.g., callback requests, newsletter subscriptions, or quote generation);
– To contact you about future orders or to respond to your inquiries;
– To assess our current or potential business relationship;
– To enforce our Terms and Conditions;
– To manage our business;
– To provide you with a personalized customer experience;
– To enhance your browsing and use of our online services.

8. How Long We Store Your Data

We follow reasonable business practices and applicable law to determine how long we store your personal data. We only store your data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. If we are legally required to retain data, we will do so. For example, if you unsubscribe from our newsletter, we will remove your email address from our mailing list as we no longer need it for that specific purpose. Unless we have a compelling legal reason for processing your data that outweighs your interests, rights, and freedoms, we are legally obliged to delete your data if you object to the processing.

9. Your Rights Under Data Protection Laws

You have certain rights under applicable data protection laws, which may be subject to specific legal requirements and possible limitations:
– You have the right to be informed about the data we store about you and certain aspects of our data processing activities, such as the purpose of the processing and the recipients of your data;
– You can request that we correct any inaccurate or incomplete information about you;
– You have the right to request that your data be deleted, unless this conflicts with other legal requirements such as retention periods or is necessary for the assertion of our rights and claims;
– You can request that we limit the processing of your data to specific legally defined purposes;
– You have the right to object to the processing of your data based on legitimate interests or public interests that arise from your particular situation. We will stop processing your data if we cannot demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or if the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims;
– If we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you can object to this at any time;
– In some cases, you may receive your data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format or request that it be transmitted to a third party;
– You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time. Please note that this does not affect the legality of the data processing carried out before your request. For withdrawal and any further questions, please contact us by email at daten@steinberg.gmbh.
– You can also file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority. However, we recommend that you first contact us directly with any questions. You can send your inquiries or questions about our data processing activities by email to daten@steinberg.gmbh.

Please note that your rights may be subject to certain legal requirements and limitations.

10. How Your Data Is Shared

In general, we do not share the information we collect with third parties or affiliated companies, unless described below. We may share your information with authorized business or subcontracting partners or third-party service providers who perform specific services on our behalf, such as processing credit card payments, providing customer support and marketing assistance, analyzing sales, supporting our website functionality, fulfilling your requests, managing competitions, promotions, and surveys, processing payroll, and sending our newsletter. These third-party providers only have access to your information to the extent necessary to perform their services and are not allowed to share or use your information for purposes not specified in this Privacy Policy. We will never sell your information to third parties for marketing purposes. Additionally, we may disclose personal information about you:
– If required to complete a transaction or fulfill your request;
– If we are legally obligated or comply with a court order;
– If we comply with a legitimate request from a legal or public authority;
– If we believe it is necessary to prevent financial loss or physical harm;
– To establish or protect our legal rights or deal with legal claims;
– In connection with suspected or actual fraud or illegal activity.

11. Links and Third-Party Content

Our website may contain links to third-party websites, such as authorized distributors, business partners, and third-party service providers. We have no control over the content, security, or privacy practices of these websites and recommend that you read the privacy policy of each visited website. We may use plugins such as social share or like buttons (e.g., for social networks like Facebook). The download, use, and operation of these plugins are subject to a third party’s privacy policy.

12. Data Transfer Outside the EU and EEA

Please note that if we need to transfer your data to a recipient outside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), we comply with all applicable transfer requirements under data protection law. Among other things, we ensure that data transfers are exclusively conducted through secured protocols and with individual access data directly at the respective provider to guarantee data protection. This exchange always takes place exclusively under the conditions and provisions of this Privacy Policy.

13. Agreement

Before we begin processing, we ensure that a data protection agreement exists with you that clearly sets out the responsibilities regarding data protection and ensures that all processing activities are in line with the GDPR. This Privacy Policy is made easily accessible to you so that your interaction with our website or contact with us can be construed as your tacit acceptance of the Privacy Policy, allowing us to process your data immediately without additional consent on your part within the framework of this Privacy Policy.

14. Transparency

We inform you in detail about how personal data is processed, including the purposes of processing, the duration of storage, and the security measures taken to protect the data.

15. Security

We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a high level of security for processed personal data, including encryption, access controls, and regular security reviews.

We protect your personal data from unauthorized access and misuse through appropriate security measures, including physical, electronic, and organizational security precautions. Access to your data is granted only to those employees who need it to perform their duties in connection with the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

The software used was developed exclusively in Germany for the German market and fully complies with German law. Data backup is exclusively carried out on a secured medium and is additionally protected by a password. Data storage is exclusively conducted within our company, taking into account all possible security risks and countermeasures.

16. Your Rights

We ensure that affected individuals are informed about their rights, such as the right to access, correct, and delete their data, and provide clear instructions on how these rights can be exercised.

17. Changes

We reserve the right to amend or supplement this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you review it regularly to stay informed about our data processing practices. In the event of significant changes not prompted by the current legal situation, we commit to informing you via the email address we have on file. In other cases, we assume that a separate notification about the changes to the Privacy Policy is not necessary, and you will review the Privacy Policy again upon further interaction with us.

18. Date of Last Update


Free consultation

We will contact you within 24 hours of receiving the letter during business hours